Wednesday 22 July 2009

Last day of school!

Wow, how the time has flown by. Best wishes to all for a fun, relaxing, safe summer. Look out for meeting notices soon after our return to school in September. Hope to see lots of you there!

Monday 20 July 2009

Uniform Sale

Don't forget the uniform sale is tomorrow, TUESDAY 21st from 2.30pm. Come and stock up or get rid of those items that have been outgrown.

Saturday 18 July 2009


Donations will be collected until Tuesday and can be given either to myself or taken into the office.

Friday 17 July 2009

July Newsletter

How quickly this year has gone by! Firstly, a huge thank you to all the Friends who have helped out in any way, and to Perry who always lends a helping hand. It is all very much appreciated. Secondly, we must now bid a fond farewell to Mrs Pilatowicz who will be very missed. We wish her a relaxing and enjoyable retirement; best wishes also to all the Year 2 leavers. We must also say a big thank you to Friends officers Brandy, Di and Lucie who are leaving at the end of term. Your new Friends representatives are Treasurer Karina Paustian-Arleth, Secretary Christabel Holmes and Chair Heather Curtis.

This year’s summer fete was a success despite the rain and £1,000 was raised. The jumble sale was also successful and raised over £45. Upcoming events include a ‘Welcome Back’ picnic in early September, cake bakes, sales and of course the Christmas Fayre.

Remember, you can help as little or as much as you’d like so please do get involved! Best wishes for a relaxing, enjoyable summer. We hope to see many of you at our next meeting in September. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog to keep updated on goings on.