Monday 30 November 2009

What a Success!

What a great, fun day the Christmas Fayre was! Everything went smoothly and we received some very positive feedback...and raised a lot of money for the school! While the exact total still needs to be figured, we estimated takings of around £2,300 so a job very well done. It was fantastic to have that extra hour this year and the stallholders in the hall were a wonderful attraction. Thank you very, very much to everyone who helped with the Fayre in any way. There will be a Friends meeting sometime soon, this week or next, to discuss the Fayre and upcoming fundraising activities so please do join us and share your input.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Ok parents and carers, it's officially crunch time! The Fayre is less than 2 weeks away and we still have some vacancies on the stall helper list so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE sign up to do an hour!! We'll be sorting through bric-a-brac and labelling bottles on Thursday from 3pm and on Friday we'll be setting up from 1pm in the hall so again please help out for any length of time you can. We're all volunteers but if there aren't enough of us great days like the Fayre can't happen. Thank you all for your support and help.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Christmas Planning Meeting

We've got a meeting this THURSDAY 12TH NOVEMBER at 9am. Please join us and see how you can help out at the Fayre, which is of course SATURDAY 28TH NOVEMBER from 12-3PM. Sign up sheets will be going up this week for stall helpers and set up and clean up so please do put your name down and support us and the school.